
Modern Language


West High School offers French and Spanish courses.  The French program begins at level 1 and continues to level 4. The Spanish program includes native and non-native courses beginning in level  1 and continuing through the Advanced Placement course.

Modern Language Clubs:

Aydee Gonzalez-Hooks and Veronica Gonzalez advise the MeCHA Club

Kristina Jones advises the French Club and the French National Honor Society

Jose Santos advises the Spanish National Honor Society


Have you met your A-G?

This is a “E” class
2 years required, 3 recommended
*must receive a C or better*

Spanish 1, 2, 3 CP

Spanish 3 Honors

Spanish Speaking 1, 2, 3 CP

Spanish 4 AP

French 1, 2, 3 CP

French 3  & 4 Honors