
Think GOLD

“The Think Gold program is a school-wide effort to improve student academic achievement at West High School.  Believing that all students can be successful academically, the faculty set out to create a school-wide achievement culture where students are motivated to work hard to learn.  The Think Gold program strategically validates and responds to individual student academic success by recognizing student achievement.”

2022-23 Think Gold Requirements 

  • 9th -12th grade students earning 1st Semester Think Gold
    • August STAR Renaissance ELA: Student has attained IRL at grade level   


  • August STAR Renaissance Math: Student has attained Math Scaled Score based on grade level ( 9th grade: 850; 10th grade: 855; 11th grade: 883; 12th grade: 899) 

  • 9th-12th graders earning 2nd Semester Think Gold:
    • January 2023 STAR Renaissance ELA: Student has attained IRL at grade level or improved ONE grade level from August STAR Renaissance ELA  


  • January 2023 STAR Renaissance Math: Student has attained Math Scaled Score based on grade level or improved scale score of ONE grade level from August STAR or Renaissance Math.


2022-23 Think Gold Rewards


  • Students will leave 5 minutes early for lunch
  • Participation in all Think Gold events
  • 1st Semester- Stadium event in October
  • 2nd Semester- Lunch and movie in the gym in February